2004 |
系統結構圖與概念構圖的教學策略對國小學生科學學習成效之研究 |
陳嘉甄、chen, chia-chen |
thesis |
web page(233) |
2006 |
Applying Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling to a Large-Scale Database |
李仁豪、Li,Ren Hau |
thesis |
web page(419) |
2000 |
臺北市國民中學防震教育之研究 |
徐月娥 |
thesis |
web page(303) |
2001 |
臺北市國民中學校長轉型領導、交易領導與學校本位管理決策類型之關係研究 |
邵俊豪 |
thesis |
web page(247) |
2001 |
The investigation of how homeroom teachers` beliefs and their classroom management strategies relate to classroom management efficiency in junior high schools |
邱錦堂 |
thesis |
web page(310) |
2001 |
女性參與教育事務歷程之研究--以舊社國小社區造校運動為例 |
曾淑敏 |
thesis |
web page(265) |
2002 |
國中基本學力測驗教育政策執行之研究--以臺北市國民中學為例 |
羅曉雯 |
thesis |
web page(371) |
2001 |
A study of the relationship and relative questions between teacher training institution and intern institution of secondary |
吳清明 |
thesis |
web page(248) |
2001 |
教師使用戲劇技巧教學之相關因素研究--性別、科目、戲劇經驗、教與學的導向、創意生活經驗與使用戲劇技巧教學、教學創新行為之關係 |
王涵儀 |
thesis |
web page(292) |
2001 |
完全中學教師人際關係之研究--以台北縣某完全中學為例 |
鄒慶德 |
thesis |
web page(240) |
2001 |
國中生電腦網路沈迷現象之研究 |
王秀燕 |
thesis |
web page(281) |
2001 |
Study of attitudes and needs of high school students` parents on parent education |
馮潔瑩、Feng, Chieh-Ying |
thesis |
web page(313) |
2001 |
國民教育階段學校本位課程發展理論與模式之建構 |
白雲霞 |
thesis |
web page(244) |
2001 |
A study of the evaluation system for elementary and junior high school principals |
鄭新輝 |
thesis |
web page(254) |
2001 |
A reserach in the development of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system |
陳新豐 |
thesis |
web page(268) |
2001 |
Inferring feasibility in non response of achievement test by using hot deck imputation method |
林曉芳 |
thesis |
web page(367) |
2001 |
An examination of the process of implementing multiple intelligences theory in the area of \"living curriculum\" on first graders |
歐慧敏、Ou, Hui-Min |
thesis |
web page(222) |
2001 |
過量教育的測量模式之比較研究 |
蕭霖 |
thesis |
web page(260) |
2001 |
A practical analysis and the development of knowledge management assessment tool of senior high schools |
賴文堅 |
thesis |
web page(273) |
2001 |
A study on the implementation of the nine-year integrated curriculum textbook screening policy |
藍順德 |
thesis |
web page(393) |
2001 |
國民中小學學校組織文化、教師創意教學潛能與創意教學之關係 |
林偉文 |
thesis |
web page(264) |
2001 |
The construction of curriculm policy implementation model for elementary and junior high schools - the case of the nine years curriculum policy in Taiwan |
彭富源 |
thesis |
web page(195) |
2001 |
國小學童分數乘法問題之解題研究 |
羅素貞 |
thesis |
web page(317) |
2003 |
弗蘭克意義治療理論其於生命教育之蘊義 |
沈亦元 |
thesis |
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2007 |
教育行政機關主管家長式領導、行政人員情緒勞動與職業倦怠關係之研究 |
許翰笙、Shen, Hsu Han |
thesis |
pdf(835)pdf(1185)pdf(929)pdf(1025)pdf(1286)pdf(2697)pdf(1030)pdf(967)pdf(1082)pdf(2083)pdf(931) |