
Showing 551-575 of 1546
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009 The Commencement of Laytime 吳宗航 thesis pdf(685)pdf(245)
2016 The Study of Insurance Broker`s Legal Position and The Provision of Off-shore Insurance Legislation 黎曉鵬 thesis pdf(1380)
2015 A Study on Intangible Asset Taxation 方心瑜 thesis web page(558)
2013 Karl Marx `s theory of ideology to see the legitimacy of the prostitution 王晨瀚 thesis pdf(214)
2015 The Study on Nominal Par Value and No Par Value Stock YI-CHUN LIU、Liu, Yi Chun thesis pdf(199)
2016 Transitional Society Social security of tenure - the interpretation of the Constitution of South Africa and Taiwan comparison 黃念儂、Huang, Nien Nung thesis pdf(235)
2016 A Study on the Employment and Pension Law of Retirees in Japan 吳志剛、Wu, Chih Kang thesis pdf(841)
2016 Introduction of support scheme for independent living of persons with disabilities :Focusing on the Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act of Japan and the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act of Taiwan 陳芃伃、Chen, Peng Yu thesis pdf(1093)
2015 An Inquiry into Statutory Interpretation in United States-Focusing on Purposivism and Textualism 謝坤龍、Hsieh, Kun Lung thesis pdf(787)
2016 The practice of the incorporation clause ─The review and prospect on the current terms by the viewing of Comparative law 劉亦明 thesis pdf(919)
2016 Protection of minority shareholders` interests in Mainland China Listed Companies-Focusing on the minority shareholders’ rights 胡婷婷、Hu, Ting Ting thesis web page(785)
1997 擔保信用狀於國際工程契約保證之運用 林于椿 thesis web page(263)
2001 證券承銷商業務之法律責任 朱峻賢 thesis web page(234)
2015 Comparative Study ont Judicial System of People`s Participation among US,Japan,Taiwan,and Mainland China 洪翊學 thesis pdf(919)
2015 A Study on Designer`s Obligation in Design & Build Contracts: Focusing on \"Fitness for Purpose\" 黃逸昕、Huang, I Hsin thesis web page(296)
2016 A Study on the Legal Analysis of Mobile Payment and Supervision of Cross-Border Service Provided by Third-Party Payment Institutions 蘇郁甯、Su, Yu Ning thesis web page(268)
2016 The Adoption and Promotion of Environment Protection in Government Procurement: A Comparative Study on the Legislation of Taiwan and EU 楊懷慶、Yang, Huai Ching thesis pdf(606)
1989 論外國仲裁判斷在我國之承認與執行 藍獻林 thesis web page(373)
1990 專利授權限制競爭條款之規範-以公平交易法草案為中心 汪渡村 thesis web page(336)
1990 指紋證據與指紋權利之研究 林吉鶴 thesis web page(368)
1990 自訴制度之研究 劉秉鈞 thesis web page(264)
1991 國際私法上不當得利問題之研究 陳榮傳 thesis web page(370)
1991 反傾銷法與公平貿易 鄺承華 thesis web page(332)
1991 海上貨物運送人免責事由之研究-以海商法第一百十三條及其相關規定為中心 林恩山 thesis web page(330)
1991 證券市場內線交易之研究-美國法為中心之法律與經濟的分析 武永生 thesis