All Of Publications(Limit:Theses)

Showing 47826-47850 of 48142
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019 The Effect of Corporate Governance and Family Firm on Performance of Firms Listed on Korean Stock Market (KOSPI) 邊多美、Byun, Da-Mi thesis pdf(81)
2009 Reserch on Military Law in Qin and Han Dynasty 周穎德 thesis pdf(1060)
2012 A study of government officials` decision making in procurement process- the case of flower prices in the flower expo 郭素蓉 thesis pdf(602)
2010 A case study of managing healthcare resources: intellectual capital perspective 劉宇欣、Liu, Yu Hsin thesis pdf(736)
1993 The impact on financial reports in accounting alternatives for leases 許祝鳳、XU, ZHU-FENG thesis
1991 台灣外商撤資之研究 吳慧珠 thesis web page(346)
2019 Design and Application of Blockchain Based Campus Loyalty and Rewards Program 陳羽萱、Chen, Yu-Hsuan thesis pdf(1)
1977 影響餐旅從業人員學習績效的人口及心理變數 沈澄河 thesis web page(263)
1988 外部效果解決途徑之比較研究 詹裕安、ZAN, YU-AN thesis
1994 出國觀光旅客需求預測模式建立之研究 李旭煌、Lee, Shiung Hwang thesis
2003 媒體公共論述中民族認同的變遷:八九年亞銀年會事件與「兩國論」事件 陳韻如 thesis pdf(804)pdf(785)pdf(900)pdf(891)pdf(1834)pdf(3841)pdf(3359)pdf(1576)pdf(1690)pdf(996)pdf(1651)
1973 我國獎勵投資條例與企業資本支出之抉擇 蔡慶恩 thesis web page(400)
2011 The Study on workers` job-serching attitude and willingness: Workers aged from 25-44 years of old. 劉格珍 thesis pdf(333)pdf(309)pdf(444)
2015 The Effectiveness of Implementation of Restricted Stock for Taiwan 林耀煒、Lin, Wao Wei thesis pdf(127)
2007 Research on integrated marketing and product innovation of auto insurance 陳文生 thesis pdf(3094)pdf(627)pdf(580)
2007 Interlanguage Refusals: A Cross-Cultural Study of EFL Learners in Taiwan and Native Speakers of American English 陳淑珠、Chen,Shu-chu thesis web page(795)
2021 Using Logistic Regression to Evaluate the Features that Influence the Difficulty of Reading Korean Texts — Based on TOPIK I and TOPIK II Reading Tests 江柔、Jou, Chiang thesis pdf(175)
2015 Leadership in China and Asia 蘇永漢、Severin, Mark thesis web page(791)
2006 Impact and Opportunity of International Corporate Social Responsibility on Taiwan Multinational Enterprises—Citing the Handset ODM/OEM Industry as an Example DANIEL CHU thesis pdf(1015)pdf(1497)pdf(1286)pdf(1009)pdf(951)pdf(932)pdf(1810)pdf(37257)pdf(16304)pdf(3662)pdf(3474)pdf(2065)pdf(1296)
2013 Investor Attention and Psychological Anchors In the Short Run: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Market 陳怡婷、Chen, Yi Ting thesis pdf(137)
2013 Precious Wedding Business Plan 李依依、Lee, Yi Yi thesis pdf(575)
1994 暴力型犯罪加害者特性與犯罪防治之研究 張平吾 thesis web page(342)
2007 美印戰略夥伴與中共區域強權之互動 張皖民 thesis pdf(882)pdf(962)pdf(912)pdf(830)pdf(894)pdf(1130)pdf(2278)pdf(1841)pdf(2039)pdf(1876)pdf(1053)pdf(1274)
2016 水層綠屋頂與企業綠色行動研究 王獻堂 thesis pdf(73)
2016 Effects of Perilla on Paraquat-induced Toxicity in Drosophila 陳玫汝 thesis