All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 326-350 of 2025
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013.09 台灣地區基礎教育階段的公民教育 CHUING CHOUCHUING CHOU article pdf(976)
2013.03 從幽谷邁向巔峰:教師的心理健康狀態類型與促進因子之探索 鐘珮純 、MIN-NING YU、 許嘉家、 陳柏霖 、 趙珮晴、Chung, Pei-Chun 、 Yu, Min-Ning 、 Syu, Jia-Jia 、 Chen, Po-Lin 、 Chao, Pei-Ching article web page(1176)
2013.01 政大附中因應十二年國教國中課程與教學精進策略行動研究 CHAO-YU GUO report web page(1192)
2012.12 教師專業發展評鑑實施成效之研究 CHAO-YU GUO report web page(1284)
2012 A Study on the Relationships among Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management and School Effectiveness in Senior High Schools 黃敏榮、Huang, Min Rung thesis pdf(1610)
2013 Teaching of Systems Thinking for Nurturing Future Talents- A Case Study 陳伊瑩、Chen, Yi Ying thesis pdf(1159)
2011 The Study of the Relationship between the Elementary School Teachers" Implicit leadership, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment 蔡秉欣 thesis
2012 A meta-analysis of principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness 陳芝涵 thesis pdf(345)
2013 A Study on the Relationship among Moral Leadership, Teachers’ Organizational Commitment, and Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Public Elementary Schools in New Taipei City 陳浩 thesis pdf(352)
2012 The Post-Occupancy Evaluation of School Green Buildings –A Case Study of Houtong elementary school and Tur Ya Kar Elementary and Junior High School, New Taipei City 李幼安、Lee, Yu An thesis pdf(1228)
2012.08 Beyond the State: Legitimatizing Gender Equity in Education in Taiwan SHU-CHING LEE book/chapter web page(1760)pdf(1903)
2013.05 政大附中因應十二年國教國中課程與教學精進策略行動研究 CHAO-YU GUO conference
2011-08 BOOK REVIEW: Higher education in a global society CHAO-YU GUOCHAO-YU GUO article pdf(1144)
2012.10 台灣文化創意產業的現況與前瞻 JING-JYI WU article pdf(1081)
2012.05 文化創意產業的教育創新 于國華、JING-JYI WUHSUEH-LIANG FAN article web page(854)
2011.03 不同年齡男女專業工作者之玩興與工作創新 余嬪 、JING-JYI WU、 陳以亨 、 區衿綾、Yu, Ping 、JING-JYI WU、 Chen, I-Heng 、 Ou, Jing-Ling article pdf(1187)
2011.03 台灣創造力教育相關政策與實踐經驗 JING-JYI WUHSUEH-LIANG FANJING-JYI WUHSUEH-LIANG FAN article pdf(1154)
2014-02 Development and Validation of the Knowledge-Building Environment Scale HUANG-YAO HONG、Lin, Kuei Yu 、HUANG-YAO HONG、 Chai, Ching Sing article pdf(1397)
2014-02 Community knowledge assessment in a knowledge building environment HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG article pdf(1185)
2013-10 舞蹈治療中的身體表達 TSUNG-CHIN LEE article web page(980)
2013-12-21 修復百年紅樓再現日新風華 胡彥君、MU-JIN CHEN、邱馨儀 conference pdf(1614)
2013-11-15 中小學校長以社會資本發展學校智慧資本之推動策略探討 紀家雄、MU-JIN CHEN article pdf(1676)
2013-12-14 以學定教的校長教學領導模式 MU-JIN CHEN、邱馨儀、張維倩、林惠煌 conference pdf(2461)
2013.12 籬/離/釐:觀看越南的性別風景 SHU-CHING LEE article pdf(794)
2012 The Influence of Parental Practices and Junior High Scool Students` Psychological Capital on Learning Engagement 黃郁婷 thesis pdf(650)