All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 376-400 of 4739
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-09 Marine Perils and Rescue in Early Japanese Colonial Taiwan PAO-TSUM TAI article pdf(975)
2011 A study of Wang Tao`s "Lao Tse Yi" 翁琬婷、Weng, Wan Ting thesis pdf(2075)
2011 Taiwanese peanut cultivation and peanut oil production and marketing of the Japanese colonial period 林哲安、Lin,Che An thesis pdf(3686)
2011 The certification of creative reading 周靖麗 thesis pdf(3996)
2010 A study of city God cult and six generals in Xinzhu city 江怡葳 thesis pdf(12003)
2010 A study on the cultivation and practice of I-Kuan Tao basic on《Ten commandments of Huang Mu teaching the sons》 王延平 thesis pdf(10175)
2011 徐志摩新詩的詞彙風格研究 車婉娟、Che, Wan Chuan thesis pdf(4384)
2011 張愛玲《傳奇》小說詞彙風格研究 鍾嘉玲 thesis pdf(4448)
2011 Developing listening comprehension for Chinese learners over the internet: An action research on synchronous distance tutoring sessions 關慧凌、Kwan, Hwee Ling thesis pdf(1772)
2011 The study of communication phenomenon of literary reportage awards in Taiwan(1970-2010) 林家儀 thesis pdf(3405)
2011 The creation of fiction in the interaction with Eastern and Western cultures── The inheritance, transplantation and reformation of Eastern and Western fiction in Taiwanese popular fiction during the Japanese colonial period 林以衡 thesis pdf(2545)
2011 The auspicious Catastrophist of writing in the "Searches for God To record" 陳世昀 thesis pdf(826)pdf(3845)
2011 A study on assessing the learning processes of knowledge construction-oriented computer-supported collaborative learning environment 楊森吉、Yang, Sen Chi thesis pdf(678)
2011 Action Study on Electronic Picture Books Integrating into Storytelling Activities 楊孟卿、Yang, Meng Ching thesis pdf(1517)
2011 Strategy of the KMT government on Taiwan independence movement in the United States (1961-1972) 陳昱齊 thesis pdf(3114)
2011 呂柟《四書因問》之研究 蕭詠燮 thesis pdf(1784)
2011 A study in female space and cultural significance of vernacular popular fiction in Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule 許姿閔 thesis pdf(2113)
2011 A case study on pre-service TCSL teachers’ teaching beliefs: from being a foreign language learner to a TCSL teacher 邵佩欣、Siaw, Pey Shin thesis pdf(2574)
2011 Mix and appraisal: the study of supernormal writing in Romance of the Three Kingdoms TSENG, SHIH-HAO TSENG、Tseng, Shih Hao thesis pdf(5255)
2011 Breaking the lure of the goodness of nature: reassessing the meaning and value of the doctrine of sinful nature of XunZi 曾暐傑、Tseng, Wei Chieh thesis pdf(4842)
2011 Children`s e-book promotion activities in public libraries 陳莞捷、Chen, Wan-Chieh thesis pdf(825)pdf(964)pdf(2582)
2011 Study on reading teaching activities assessment in the second grade of elementary schools:Taoyuan County case study 曾湘怡 thesis pdf(859)
2011 A study of integrating internet resources into english course on elementary school fifth grade 沈淑芬、Shen, Shu Fen thesis pdf(1097)
2011 Usability of integrated search system on archives: the case study of ACROSS 鄭伊廷 thesis pdf(1302)
2011 The semantic of V Dao in Taiwan mandarin: a cognitive linguistic analysis 吳孟盈、Wu, Meng Yin thesis pdf(1447)