All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、2010-2019)

Showing 401-425 of 4746
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010 Chang,Shiou-Ya`s Prose and Modernist Literature of Taiwan 黃寶萱 thesis pdf(7180)
2011 Research on the traditional Malaysian Chinese New Year customary legends: Based on the Local born Chinese of Penang Island 陳晶芬、Chen, Chin Fen thesis pdf(27116)
2011 A study on preservation strategies of world war ii archives : case studies of Academia Historica & Taiwan Historica 洪碧苓、Hung, Pi Ling thesis pdf(1923)
2011 The study of acquisition and repository of literary manuscripts in Taiwan 蔡孟軒、Cai, Meng Syuan thesis pdf(814)
2011 An application of WebQuest in network resources and reading of an elementary school 古靜怡、Guu, Ching Yi thesis pdf(1166)
2011 Use and acceptance of the "MOE Education Intuitive Service Portal" by elementary school teachers from their teaching needs:Taoyuan County case study 袁正良 thesis pdf(801)
2011 A study of Yilan county elementary school teachers on the public library use needs and satisfaction 黃雅鈴、Huang, Ya Ling thesis pdf(688)pdf(632)pdf(829)
2011 The transformation of Taiwan traditional merchants association-Tainan-San-Jiao,1760-1940 黃懷賢、Huang, Huai Hsien thesis pdf(5380)
2011 Taiwanese physicians in China during the Japanese Colonial Period, 1895-1945 陳力航 thesis pdf(14219)
2011 The Chinese Language Learning of Foreign Exchange Students at College Level in Taiwan- A Case Study in a Public University 李豫、Lee, Yu thesis web page(1518)
2011 Measuring the real temperature of Chinese : a fantasy theme criticism of Chinese trend in Taiwan 蔣宗諴 thesis pdf(4636)
2011 A survey on using games to teach adult Chinese learners 翁書怡、Weng, Shu I thesis pdf(2936)
2011 《全元散曲》擬聲詞探究 張雅媜 thesis pdf(7622)
2011 論唐宋時期詞體婉約本色的建構 林怡劭 thesis pdf(3097)
2011 Study on the“Shifanxianjian”in Correct Textural Annotations to Shurangama ——and Also in Comparison to Combined Annotations to Shurangama 黃琛傑 thesis pdf(4060)
2011 The Relationship between library instruction and student`s literate ability:a study of elementary school in New Taipei City 張馨云、Chang, Hsin Yun thesis pdf(1350)
2011 Citation analysis of humanities 邱琦茹、Chiu, Chi Ju thesis web page(968)
2011 A bibliometric study of information society literature 盧傳傑、Low, Chwan Chieh thesis pdf(439)
2011 Assessing the effects of learning community platform on promoting creative thinking processes of elementary school students 許毓秀、Hsu, Yu Hsiu thesis pdf(957)
2011 A study on assessing the effects of social interaction ranking and learning partner recommendation mechanisms on motivating E-learning lurkers 徐慧芸、Hsu, Hui Yun thesis pdf(823)
2011 A study on assessing the effects of the design features of game-based learning for skill training on learning emotion and performance 胡琬琪、Hu, Wan Chi thesis pdf(975)
2011 A study of the experience and satisfaction on bookstart in New Taipei City 沈惠珠、Shen, Hui Chu thesis pdf(1798)
2011 Integrating digital archives website into instruction for senior high school Chinese literature teachers 黃琇苓 thesis pdf(3095)
2011 A study on promoting learning performance of literary Chinese reading using reading annotation system 林雅婷、Lin, Ya Ting thesis pdf(1291)
2011 A study of the“Purification of View”:based on the Visuddhimagga 林維明 thesis pdf(5568)