All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、2010-2019)

Showing 226-250 of 6944
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010 A paper tiger with sharp teeth: How Southern Weekend discloses social tensions in China 時沛恩、Fabian Schneider thesis pdf(1434)
2010 The corresponding credit policies of Taiwan cooperative bank against global financial crisis 陳建希、Chen, Chien Hsi thesis pdf(1553)
2010 Relationship between local factions and the election: a case of Jiaosi. 莊家榮、Chuang, Chia Jung thesis pdf(5474)
2010 From e-government to m-government: li-chiefs` usage of Taipei City mayor’s e-mail box and 1999 citizen hotline 曾健銓、Tseng, Chien Chuan thesis pdf(1578)
2010 Implementing case teaching method in government training institute:a case study of senior-rank promotion training program 謝欣諮 thesis pdf(1103)
2010 Seasonal migrant workers with tourist visa- the case studies of Tthai wild berries pickers in Finland 詹力穎、Li-Ying Chan thesis pdf(1672)
2010 Study on examination institution in agricultural land conversion of non-urban land – cases of Yilan Science Park`s Chengnan base and National Tsing Hua University`s I-Lan campus 李漢煒 thesis pdf(1576)pdf(1908)pdf(1549)
2010 Application of OpenGIS and free software for management of state-owned real estate 陳志清、Chen, Chih Ching thesis pdf(5566)
2010 Legal systenm of law expropriation measure of public interest 陳文棋、Chen, Wen Chi thesis pdf(2974)
2010 The analysis of homeownership rates with respect to disparate age groups and time intervals 楊雅婷 thesis pdf(4444)
2010 臺北市市有土地參與辦理都市更新事業問題與改善之研究 羅敏琪 thesis pdf(2131)
2010 A study on multifunction and performance zoning mechanism for agricultural zone in urban planning district 江瑞如 thesis pdf(1097)
2010 A study of the application of eco-efficiency to Taiwan cities and counties development 李哲宇、Li, Che Yu thesis pdf(1298)
2010 Power and collaborative planning : WanBao sustainable communy and civic environmentalism observation and reflection 吳貞儀 thesis pdf(3388)
2010 The interactive effect of social capital and regional innovative milieux:a case of biotechnology industry in Taiwan 陳仲萌、Chen, Chung Meng thesis pdf(1588)
2010 A study of determinating the cap of floor area ratio based on the location and accessibility 黃鈺雯 thesis pdf(2097)
2010 Housing quality change on price indexes: new housing projects vs. existing housing cases 陳相甫、Chen, Hsiang Fu thesis pdf(1541)
2010 Using self-calibration to promote the positioning accuracy of images acquired from a quadrotor UAV 謝幸宜、Hsieh, Hsing Yi thesis pdf(4885)
2010 The impact of greenspace planning on eco-city building 吳孟亭、Wu,Meng Ting thesis pdf(1306)
2010 院會與委員會的權力關係 鍾智明 thesis pdf(1327)
2010 全球城市的地方管理:以上海浦東發展為例,1992~2009年 葉青慈、Yeh, Ching Tzu thesis pdf(1267)
2010 個人、國家與世界:論約翰彌爾的公眾參與理論 黃培維、Huang, Pei Wei thesis pdf(2140)
2010 A study of policy of the R.O.C government toward Okinawa after the second world war 米澤晉平、Yonezawa, Shimpei thesis pdf(2250)
2010 The changing process of Taiwan`s party system:1986-2008 莊天憐、Chuang, Tien Lien thesis pdf(5552)
2010 From balance of power to political equilibrium: in the case of modern Irish economic and diplomatic strategy 陳建豪、Chen, Chien Hao thesis pdf(1538)