All Of Publications(Limit:2010-2019)

Showing 2476-2500 of 42462
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011 A Blended Education Model for Chicago Schools 陳海倫、Emily E. Chauncey thesis pdf(677)
2011 The study of business performance and determination on international subsidiaries in Taiwan 權相哲、Sangcheol Kweon thesis web page(362)
2010 A study of city God cult and six generals in Xinzhu city 江怡葳 thesis pdf(12020)
2010 A study on the cultivation and practice of I-Kuan Tao basic on《Ten commandments of Huang Mu teaching the sons》 王延平 thesis pdf(10188)
2011 徐志摩新詩的詞彙風格研究 車婉娟、Che, Wan Chuan thesis pdf(4402)
2011 張愛玲《傳奇》小說詞彙風格研究 鍾嘉玲 thesis pdf(4452)
2011 Developing listening comprehension for Chinese learners over the internet: An action research on synchronous distance tutoring sessions 關慧凌、Kwan, Hwee Ling thesis pdf(1774)
2011 Optimal policies of non-cross-resistant chemotherapy on a cancer model JENG-HUEI CHEN thesis web page(369)
2010 A review of penalties of insider trading and the proceeds of crime - a case study of Taiwan land development corporation insider trading issues 林芳瑜 thesis pdf(5412)
2011 The examination and reconstruction of express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan 陳豐年、Chen, Lawrence thesis web page(492)
2011 Study on the allocation of decision making power between the meeting of shareholders and the board of directors. 劉娟呈 thesis web page(408)
2011 Jurisdiction and applicable law on European patent disputes 藍彗甄、Lan, Hui Chen thesis web page(591)
2010 Study for the development strategy of telecommunication industry and GATS in Taiwan 杜鴻國、Do, Horng Guo thesis pdf(753)
2011 The analysis of the industrial development of San-Yi Woodcarving: The Social Capital Perspective 吳儷榆、Wu, Li Yu thesis web page(271)
2011 An exploratory study on double-income family father and mother use communal nurse system service and its impact on parenting role 林慧菁、Lin, Hui Ching thesis pdf(3821)
2011 Russian non-proliferation policy: strategic and economic considerations in Iran’s Nuclear Crisis (2002-2010) 白嘉娜、Pastukhova, Galina thesis pdf(239)pdf(212)pdf(411)
2011 Metaphor and metonymy—embedded in the ideology of the Chinese communist government of the Taiwanese pop music after 90s 黃翔翔、Huang,Hsiang Hsiang thesis pdf(1803)
2011 The effects of English song instruction on junior high school students` grammar learning 林淑娟、Lin, Shu Chuan thesis pdf(630)
2011-12 Production of Space and Space of Production: High Tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and Shanghai JENN-HWAN WANGJENN-HWAN WANGTSE-KANG LENGTSE-KANG LENG article pdf(1552)
2011 Semantic field of "water" in Russian 李佳駿 thesis pdf(2536)
2011 A Comparative Study of Kinship Terms in Russian and Chinese 馬嘉霙 thesis pdf(1429)pdf(3362)
2011 Mandarin Focal Tone Sandhi 石書豪、Shih, Shu-hao thesis pdf(1173)
2011 Causativity in Chinese resultative compounds: on the account of argument realization 黃心綸、Huang, Hsin Lun thesis pdf(1022)
2011 On Directional Verb Compound V-shang4 in Taiwan Mandarin Chinese 李琬婷、Lee, Woan Tyng thesis pdf(1421)
2011 A Report on the narrative short film work:Teshuvah 李政能、Li, Jheng Neng thesis web page(537)