
Showing 351-375 of 1471
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 Discussing when Aboriginal Students apply for Individual Applicants at the University of Affirmative Action by Equality of Educational Opportunity 楊凱傑 thesis pdf(1218)
2013 Business model of Homemaker`s Union Consumer Cooperative - in the view of social enterprise 黃承郁 thesis pdf(252)
2013 Role Conflicts of the State in the Global Production Network of High-Tech Industry 李翰林、Li, Han Lin thesis pdf(1301)
2013 The study of nutritional lunch policy with food education and applying local food materials in Tainan City 盧孟吟 thesis pdf(759)
2013 The Research on Relation of Nonprofit Community-Based Organizations and Governmental Cooperation- Participation of Keelung City in Community Development Association and Multi-Employment Development Plan (Social Type) as Example 沈美君、Shen, Mei Chun thesis pdf(192)
2013 國立高中職改隸直轄市之議題研究─政策偏好觀點 魏瑞辰 thesis pdf(1331)
2013 The Contingency Integration Model Analysis of ASEAN Food Safety Governance Mechanisms for Regional Economic Community 藍夏萍 thesis web page(278)
2013 Using Social Media to Improve Policy Quality-A Case Study of Public Opinions on Facebook 蔡璦琦、Tsai, A Chi thesis
2013 The Policy Advocacy Process Of Nonprofit Organizations-A Case Study On “Old House, New Life” Movement In Tainan From 2008 to 2014 林瑜婷 thesis pdf(1683)
2011 Policy Argument and Deliberation:the case of Activation Curriculum in New Taipei city 曾靜萍、Tseng,Ching Ping thesis pdf(1085)
2013 Relationship between Contracting Out and Public Private Partnerships as substitutes or complements in contracting management:an empirical examination of Long-Term Care Service System in Taiwan 王千文、Wang, Chian Wen thesis pdf(1129)
2013 Evaluating the Effect of Government IT Training Programs 董婉婷 thesis pdf(131)
2013 The scientific politics embedded in the regulatory policy institution: VOCs and PM 2.5 as examples 張景儀 thesis pdf(432)
2013 Electronic Democracy and Government Mobile Application (APP) ─ An Exploratory Study of Indicator Construction 呂孟芩 thesis pdf(1415)
2013 The Transaction Cost Analysis of Public Opinion Poll Outsourcing in Public Sector - A Case Study of Taipei City Government 林宏穎、Lin, Hung Ying thesis pdf(820)
2014 A Study on the Effect of Organizational Change on Organizational Arrangement:The Emperical Study of Reorganization of Executive Yuan 林靜玟、Lin, Ching Wen thesis pdf(1034)
2013 A Study of Establishing Evaluation Indices for Open Government Data 江思穎、Chiang, Shih Ying thesis pdf(968)
2012 How Is the Debt Managed in Taiwan Municipal Governments? The Influence of Budget Institution, Financing Instruments and Managerial Behavior on Debt Management Outcome 林靜美、Lin, Ching Mei thesis pdf(1824)
2012 Digital Parliament and E-Democracy: A Study of ICTs Application for the Interaction between Legislative Yuan and Citizens 鍾政廷、Chung, Cheng Ting thesis pdf(608)
2013 The study of Research Quality Indicators for Case study of public administration: The Symposiums of TASPAA in 2003-2012. 游雅婷 thesis pdf(672)
2014 A Study on Mechanism of Supervision and Evaluation in Yilan County Government WU-CHUN CHIWU-CHUN CHI thesis web page(309)
2014 A Study on New Public Servants` Motivation of Career Choice and Organizational Socialization in the Government Department 周佑璘、Jhou, You Lin thesis web page(278)
2014 地方派系與公務倫理價值的衝突—以台南市海安路地下街為例 張建智 thesis web page(306)
2014 社會行銷與協力參與之研究:以國民健康署肥胖防治政策為例 林子翔 thesis pdf(146)
2014 The Thought of Laozi on Governance 沈明昌、Shen, Ming Chang thesis web page(271)