
Showing 26-50 of 68
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus▼ WOS
2004 Country-of-Origin as a Heuristic Cue: The Effects of Message Ambiguity and Product Involvement article pdf(1154) 27 19
2006-03 Beating the news blues: Mood repair through exposure to advertising article pdf(1360) 26 17
2010-03 Making Unique Choices or Being Like Others: How Priming Self-concepts Influnces Advertising Effectiveness article pdf(1298) 26 21
2007 Diagnostic advertising content and individual differences: Testign a resource-matching perspective with a Taiwanese sample article pdf(1544) 24 23
2006 Context-induced and ad-induced affect: Individual differences as moderators article pdf(1044) 24 17
2009 Enhancing the Effectiveness of Anti-Smoking Messages via Self-Congruent Appeals article pdf(1092) 24 17
2013.02 Seeing Is Believing: The Direct and Contingent Influence of Pictures in Health Promotion Advertising article pdf(1050) 23 19
2009-01 Effectiveness of promotional premiums: The moderating role of affective state in different contexts article pdf(1169) 23 19
2006 Knowledge about the Gulf Wars: A theoretical model of learning from the news article pdf(1388) 21 16
2012-12 The Role of Ad-Evoked Consumption Visions Predicting Brand Attitudes: A Relevancy Principle Model article pdf(787) 21 14
2006 See the small picture: The importance of culture versus self in determining advertising effectiveness article 19 15
2011-12 Opinions from Others Like You: The Role of Perceived Source Similarity article pdf(1308) 19 15
2013.08 The Influence of Ambivalence toward a Communication Source: Media Context Priming and Persuasion Polarization article pdf(1157) 19 13
2014 Why Do Caucasian Advertising Models Appeal to Consumers in Taiwan? A Cue-Triggered Value-Expressive Framework article pdf(1131) 19 10
2006-03 Seeing the small picture: Ad-self versus ad-culture congruency in international advertising article pdf(678) 19 16
2016-08 Behavioral Recommendations in Health Research News as Cues to Action:Self-Relevancy and Self-Efficacy Processes article 說明頁(805) 19 14
2019-09 Self-control–centered empowerment model: Health consciousness and health knowledge as drivers of empowerment seeking through health communication article pdf(247) 18 14
2012 Is That Website for Me? Website-Self Congruency Effects Triggered by Visual Designs article 說明頁(1522) 17 14
2012-06 Ambivalent Attitudes in a Communication Process: An Integrated Model article pdf(1569) 16 13
2011-09 The Influence of Editorial Liking and Editorial-Induced Affect on Evaluations of Subsequent Ads: Individual Differences as Moderators article pdf(1303) 13 10
2014 Inaccuracy in Health Research News: A Typology and Predictions of Scientists’ Perceptions of the Accuracy of Research News article pdf(1095) 13 10
2012 How people tell an ad story: Western vs. Asian styles article 說明頁(1413) 10 7
2014 When New Commercials do not Meet Expectations article pdf(1073) 10 9
2005-01 Personal Values, Advertising, and Smoking Motivation in Taiwanese Adolescents article pdf(1380) 9 7
2007 Ideal self-image congruency as a motivator for smoking-The moderating effects of personality traits article pdf(1514) 8 21