Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 39
Date Title Type Full Text
2022-07 Political context matters: a joint effect of coercive power and perceived organizational politics on abusive supervision and silence article web page(137)
2022-02 A meta-analytic study of subjective career plateaus. article web page(263)
2022-02 When does competitive psychological climate hurt mentoring? The moderating roles of mentors` job insecurity and trait competitiveness article web page(329)
2021-12 華人傳統性與員工效能之關聯整合分析 article web page(245)
2020-04 Angels and devils?: How do benevolent and authoritarian leaders differ in shaping ethical climate via justice perceptions across cultures? article pdf(199)
2019-07 Mentoring support and protégé creativity: examining the moderating roles of job dissatisfaction and Chinese traditionality article web page(596)
2018-09 Effects of movements and opportunities on the adoptions of same sex partner health benefit by corporations. article pdf(887)
2017-06 Role of formal mentoring in protégés` work-to-family conflict: A double-edged sword article pdf(443)
2016-06 Understanding attraction in formal mentoring relationships from an affective perspective article pdf(475)
2014-12 Antecedents and Outcomes of Career Plateaus: The Roles of Mentoring Others and Proactive Personality article pdf(832)
2014-11 A cross-cultural examination of subordinates` perceptions of and reactions to abusive supervision article pdf(848)
2014-10 Antidotes to dissimilar mentor-protege dyads article pdf(856)
2014-06 不當督導研究的回顧與前瞻 article pdf(817)
2013-12 再探組織認同之本質:2002 ~ 2012 之研究回顧與前瞻 article pdf(843)
2013.01 When supervisors perceive non-work support: Test of a trickle-down model article web page(1133)
2012-12 Can Proteges be Successfully Socialized Without Socialized Mentors?: A Close Look at Mentorship Formality article web page(1113)
2012.11 When mentors feel supported: Relationships with mentoring functions and proteges’ perceived organizational support/Journal of Organizational Behavior article pdf(1218)
2012.09 Is subordinate’s loyalty a precondition of supervisor’s benevolent leadership? The moderating effects of supervisor’s altruistic personality and perceived organizational support. article pdf(1107)
2012.07 Abusive supervision and workload demands from supervisors: Exploring two types of supervisor-related stressors and their association with strain article pdf(1097)
2011-12 檢視職業承諾對於心理契約違反的影響 article pdf(898)
2011.11 師徒功能與徒弟知識分享 article pdf(917)
2011.04 Abusive supervision and subordinate emotional labor: The moderating role of openness personality article pdf(1300)
2011-04 Measurement invariance in mentoring research: A cross-cultural examination across Taiwan and the U.S. article pdf(1091)
2011.03 Measurement equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across workers from Taiwan and the United States article web page(1171)
2010.12 羅氏工作成癮測驗中文版心理計量特質之檢驗 article pdf(667)