All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Theses、2000-2009)

Showing 626-650 of 675
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007 激勵保健因素與公立高職兼職行政工作教師組織承諾關係之研究 江巨材 thesis
2008 The Relationships among defensive-pessimism, active-procrastination, self-handicapping, coping-strategy and well-being of college students 郭俊豪、Kuo, Chun Hao thesis 說明頁(272)
2008 閱讀、對話與遊戲:國小綜合活動課程美學之探究 陳麗文、Chen, Li Wen thesis 說明頁(235)
2002 A study on teachers` attitude and behaviors toward integrating network into instruction 吳振賢 thesis 說明頁(182)
2008 The Comparison of literacy of young children who attended montessori or whole language education program 張筱瑩、Chang, Hsiao Ying thesis
2008 The study of relationship high school teachers` work values and professional development 鄭博元 thesis
2009 完全中學兼任行政教師行政辭卸傾向之研究:以工作滿意、工作壓力、生涯規劃為探討變項 李慧雯、Lee, Hui Wen thesis
2007 A Study on the Understanding and Operation of Marketing Strategies Concerning Education Administrators in Senior and VocationaHigh High Schools in Taoyuan County 陳樂斌、Chen, .Le Pin thesis 說明頁(19)
2009 吟遊、尋渡與參化 – Michel Serres 教育哲學思想之研究 許宏儒 thesis 說明頁(295)
2009 A Study of the Central Government’s Evaluation of Local Governments’ Administrative Performance in Special Education 張金淑、Chang, Chin-Shu thesis 說明頁(273)
2009 國民中學教師樂觀、悲觀、玩興、工作紀律、教學內在動機與教學創造性轉化之關係 林曉君、Lin, Hsiao Chun thesis 說明頁(311)
2009 The working experience of a graduate with a master degree of early childhood education 蘇育吟 thesis
2009 The influence of Junior High School teachers’ role definition on organizational citizenship behavior –The application of mixed method 高雅曼 thesis
2009 國民中學校長轉型領導對學校組織學習影響之研究 林美真 thesis
2009 臺北縣國民中學兼職行政教師知覺校長激勵策略、工作壓力與組織承諾關係之研究 劉奕宏 thesis
2009 A study of the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership and organizational climate in junior high schools in Taipei 薛仲平 thesis
2009 Urban aboriginal parents` education expectation, a study of the relationship among learning motivation and academic performation of Jjunior high school students 劉台光 thesis
2009 國立高級中等學校校長遴選制度改進之研究 周娟慧、Chou, Chuan-Hui thesis
2009 臺北縣國中新住民子女母親管教方式、自我概念與學習適應關係之研究 范筱蓉 thesis
2009 Research on the relationship among the player behavior of online game,interpersonal relation and self-concept for elementary school students in Taipei city 李黃寶、Lee, Huang Pao thesis
2009 國中導生關係及其相關因素之研究 高延玉 thesis
2002 黃武雄人本教育論述之研究 蔡月裡 thesis 說明頁(391)
2002 文學創造力的條件與創作的歷程 吳蓉燕 thesis 說明頁(228)
2002 大學生之家庭界域、共依附特質與人際適應之關係 邱慕美 thesis 說明頁(305)
2002 校園規劃「用後評估」之研究-以南投縣九二一震災重建國小為例 許碧蕙 thesis 說明頁(166)