
Showing 1351-1375 of 2702
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994 Research of Technology Strategy on Monitor Industry 徐永道、Hsu, Yung Daw thesis
1994 Research of Interface Management of New Product Development on Monitor Industry 吳鴻志、Wu, Hung Chi thesis
1994 Research of Corporate Philanthropy Behavior 楊炳韋、Yang, Pin Wei thesis
1994 The relationship between the service delivery system and the business performance - with the CATV system operators as example 詹祖光、Chan, Chu Kuang thesis
1994 The Impact of Issuing GDRs on the Returns and Risks of Underlying Stocks - An Example from Taiwan 劉仲宙、Liu, Jong Jow thesis
1994 Research of Management Performance between Taiwan Co. and Japan Co. In Mainland 夏其珂、Hsia, Chi Ko thesis
1994 The Research of M&A Effect on Stockholders Wealth 陳匯中、Cheng, Huey Chung thesis
1995 The Research of the Gap Between Bank customers` Per - ceptions and Expectations for Newly Established Banks 葉文華、Yeh, Wen Ywa thesis
1994 Market Orienation for Nonprofit Organizations 沈經洪、Shen, Jing Hung thesis
1994 我國國際觀光旅館業經營策略之研究-策略矩陣分析法之應用 黃應豪、Huang, Ying Hao thesis
1994 Know-how Transfer for Franschise System - A Case of Convenience Stores 崔至剛、Tsui, Chi Kang thesis
1994 The Business Strategy of the Computer Industry in Taiwan 詹聖生、Chan, Sheng Sheng thesis
1994 The changes of R&D Strategy:A case of electronics industry 李益昌、Lee, Yih Chang thesis
1994 上市公司發行海外可轉換公司債之研究 曾珊慧、Tseng, Shan Hui thesis
1995 The Research to Technology Transfer of Department Stores 徐芳穎、Hsu, Fang Ying thesis
1994 百貨業商品管理之研究-以台北市百貨公司為例 王國華、Wang, Kuo Hwa thesis
1994 雜誌讀者之背景因素、生活型態、自我監控與雜誌閱讀行為關係之研究:以大臺北地區為例 羅添耀、Luo, Tian-Yao thesis
1994 Business Foreign Exchange Risk Management: Domestic Trading Firms 歐朝銓、Ou, Chao Chuan thesis
1994 The research of environment and strategies to coping with risk - The case study of investment risk in Mainland China 蘇鵬飛、Su, Peng Fei thesis
1994 The Pricing of Bond With Warrants 王駿東、Wang, Chun Tung thesis
1994 The correlation of maintaining mechanisms used by small businesses in the cooperative relationships and their char- acteristics of tasks and congruence formation 侯文山、Hou, Wen-Shan thesis
1994 The role of Taiwaness Enterprises in the Econoical development of Mainland China - A Trilateral Theory Perspective 蘇明瑞、Su, Ming Jui thesis
1994 The Study for the Effects on the Performance of Information Management of Taiwan Branches, Factories and Subsidiaries of Multinational Companies 李基永、Lee, Chi Yung thesis
1994 The Research on Information Demands of Export Firms in Taiwan 蔡裕江、Tsai, Yuh-Chiang thesis
1994 The Research of Technology Transfer: Small & Middle Enterprise in Taiwan TA-WEI CHANG、TA-WEI CHANG thesis