
Showing 1101-1125 of 1390
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994 A Comprehensive Study of Labors`` Personality Trait/Attitude and Safety Management 陳文宣、Chen, Wen-Shuan thesis web page(369)web page(429)
1997 政府補助地方國民教育經費指標模型之研究 黃增榮 thesis web page(253)
1999 The Study of Interrelationship Between Locus of Control,Role Perception and Teaching Styles of Supplementary Education Teachers for Elementary Schools 陳雪玉、CHEN, HSUCH YU thesis web page(296)
1988 臺灣地區新制師範學院學校組織氣氛與教師工作滿意之研究 石雅惠 thesis web page(347)
1988 不同性質類科高職女生性別角色與行為適應職業成熟關係之研究 李新鄉 thesis web page(597)
1988 臺北市國民中小學校園開放問題之規劃研究 林啟峰 thesis web page(275)
1988 諮商的教育哲學基礎之研究 張可昌 thesis web page(332)
1988 兒童空間認知能力發展之研究 張麗芬 thesis web page(327)
1988 臺北市立國民中學聽覺環境之調查研究 陳雪玉 thesis web page(301)
1988 臺灣省各縣市文化中心之現況探討及其改進途徑 陳仕宗 thesis web page(316)
2016 A Study on Relationship among the Principals’ Space Leadership, Teacher Community Operation and Student Learning Outcomes in Taiwan’s Elementary School 鐘巧如、Chung, Chiao Ju thesis web page(443)
2016 A Network Analysis of the Climate and Interpersonal Relationships in the Elementary School 李偉斌、Li, Wei Pin thesis pdf(843)
2016 The Relationships among Distributed Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at High Schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 胡士雄、Ho, Sy Hung thesis pdf(759)
2016 A Study on the Relationship among English Reading Anxiety, Reading Strategies and Reading Achievement in New Taipei City Junior High School Students 施佩吟 thesis pdf(994)
2016 A Meta-analysis of The Teacher Resilience for Senior High School and Below in Taiwan CHENG-TA WU thesis pdf(195)
2016 Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and writing performance 王靜華 thesis pdf(296)
2016 Effects of Computer-Supported Knowledge Building Pedagogy on High School Students’ Perception of Learning Environment and English Composition Performance 楊怡婷、Yang, I Ting thesis pdf(160)
2016 The study of positive psychology intervention effects for promoting college students’ well-being 林威廷、Lin, Wei Ting thesis pdf(837)
2016 A Study on the Relationships between Principal’s Technology Leadership and School Innovative Management of Junior High Schools in New Taipei City 沈玟婷、Shen, Wen Ting thesis pdf(443)
2016 The Study of Social Support, Hope and Resilience among Junior High School Students 陳誼芳、Chen, Yi Fang thesis web page(327)
2016 The Application of Multiple Intelligences and Progressive Whole Language Approach to English Remedial Teaching for Rural Junior High School Students: An Action Research 賴至暉、Lai, Chih Hui thesis pdf(413)
2016 The Trend and Analysis of Higher Education International Student Mobility in ASEAN+3 Area 林芳伃、Lin, Fang Yu thesis pdf(379)
2016 Social Networks and Psychological Well-Being of Overseas Chinese Studying in Taiwan`s Colleges 潘敏儀、Poon, Man Yee thesis pdf(372)pdf(303)
2016 A Preliminary Satisfaction Report of Chinese Students in Taiwanese Universities: Learning, Living and Career Choice 楊雁斐、Yang, Yan Fei thesis pdf(131)
2016 chinese school development research: the past、present and the future of pahoa school in indonesia 黃秋綉 thesis pdf(226)