
Showing 326-350 of 1546
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008 洪瑩容 thesis pdf(3975)
2008 A study on the suspension and reinstatement system of life insurance contracts 林大維 thesis pdf(3663)
2008 民法一百九十一條之三之研究與實務判決評析 高上茹 thesis pdf(1680)pdf(768)
2011 Die richterliche Hinweispflicht YI-CHUN LIU thesis pdf(9253)
2009 Comparative study of insurance contracting parties’duty of representation and disclosure between Taiwan and Mailand China 蕭冠中 thesis pdf(4578)
2010 Falsity in the Crime of Fraud 鍾葦怡 thesis pdf(1043)
2010 The legal research of Design-Build system for public works 白惠淑、Pai, Hui Shu thesis pdf(4297)
2010 A study on pre-need funeral service agreement: focus on the monitor of self-use contract 胡詩英 thesis pdf(5261)
2010 A study of the company registration legislation in Taiwan—focusing on the registration of directors and officers 陳寶貴 thesis pdf(2016)
2010 Gesellschaftliche selbstregulierung im rahmen einer public-private-partnership 陳軍志 thesis pdf(4288)
2010 證人於刑事程序上之地位-以偵訊中錄音錄影規定為中心 林慧君 thesis pdf(2380)
2010 The space of knowledge, the science of law and the Thibaut-Savigny controversy 黃耀賞 thesis pdf(1427)
2010 YUE-JHENG NIOU thesis pdf(2982)
2010 The regulation of child pornography speech on the internet─with regard to the theories and decisions of U.S. court 葉子誠 thesis pdf(3487)
2010 林榮華、Lin, Rong Hua thesis pdf(1588)
2009 The study of the relationships between legal language, legal argumentation and daily language-in the fatal accident case of osteogenesis imperfecta in Taiwan- 羅嘉松、Luo, Jia-Song thesis pdf(2335)
2010 A research of short-time compensation of America 高思齊 thesis pdf(1649)
2009 Study of issues related to international inheritance----decision and application of the applicable law 蔡文萱 thesis pdf(5665)
2011 關係企業內調職問題之研究 彭敬元 thesis pdf(2085)
2010 從擔保國家理論探討我國促參案件監督管理之規範架構 朱瑋華 thesis pdf(2936)
2009 A study of the criminal sentencing for bribe-taking 陳怡君 thesis pdf(3687)
2009 Study on the related tax law issues of the changes in the Statutory Matrimonial Property Regime 蔡承奮 thesis pdf(995)pdf(695)
2009 condictio ob turpem vel iniustam causam 謝允正 thesis pdf(6140)
2003 The reserch about the administrative license law of the People’S Republic Of China 李明益 thesis pdf(2140)
2007 Consumer Credit Protection 潘玥竹 thesis pdf(1612)