
Showing 101-125 of 183
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017 The Cultural Discourses of Tang-wai Movement(1975-1986)-The Research Centers on Tang-Wai Magazine 林威君、Lin, Wei-Chun thesis pdf(320)
2017 The Shaping and Promotion of Ornithology and Birdwatching in Taiwan (1945-1989) 謝季剛、Hsieh, Chi Kang thesis pdf(786)
2017 Policies Adopted in Expanding and Exploitation the Ocean: Development of Fishery Industry in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period 蔡昇璋 thesis web page(563)
2017 Li Tan & Yan Sih Jhai 李碩珞 thesis pdf(181)
2017 The Study of Sheng Nong Belief in Miaoli 張惠婷、Chang, Hui Ting thesis pdf(1810)
2018 The Institutionalization of LGBT Education in Taiwan 王駿原、Wang, Jyun-Yuan thesis pdf(272)
2017 The Development of Suao under the Ching Dynasty Rule(1812-1895) 張峻浩 thesis pdf(1066)
2018 Diet space and consumer culture in Taichung under Japanese rule 嚴漢廷、Yen, Han Ting thesis pdf(954)
2012 臺灣政治案件平反與轉型正義--以五十年代白色恐怖案件平反促進會為中心 羅宜芬 thesis pdf(367)
2018 The Study From Perspective Of \"Free China\" Magazine To Judicial System 李承叡、Lee, Cheng-Ruei thesis pdf(790)
2018 The History of Relationships between Humans and Cats in Taiwan since Nineteen Century 陳祖立、Chen, Zu Li thesis
2018 An Impact study of the Evolution of Taiwan’s Currency System to People’s Livelihood after the War II —Focus on the changes of two currency reforms 王炘盛、Wang, Shi-Hseng thesis
2018 漁船放領政策與澎湖漁業發展(1953-1963) 郭存信、Guo, Chun-Sin thesis
2018 The development of Taiwan hot springs and the changes of bathing behavior 坂井洋 thesis pdf(1988)
2018 The development of thought and movement of Taiwan Independence in Japan: Centered around the publication of "Taiwan Youth" (1960-1979) 余佩真、Yu, Pei-Jhen thesis pdf(28)
2018 The Historical Research of Phenomena of Nomadic Teachers in Taiwan, 1994-2018 陳冠宇、Chen, Guan-Yu thesis pdf(513)
2018 The Chosen Memories: The Nationalization of Experiences of Taiwanese Imperial Japan Servicemen(1945-1979) 楊文喬、Yang, Wen-Chiao thesis pdf(3170)
2018 Youth Mobilization and the Imagination of Society under a Military-Ready System (1952-1958) 郭楠暘、Kuo, Nan-Yang thesis pdf(484)
2014 Behind the miracle: human development and inequality in Taiwan, 1960-2012 郝凱揚、Hawkins, Nicholas B. thesis pdf(371)
2019 Research on the Massacre and Escape Phenomena of 228 Incident 李禎祥、Li, Chen-Hsiang thesis
2019 Sinofication in early post-war Taiwan - in search of the origin of conflict between Chinese government and Taiwan society 薛宏甫、Hsueh, Hung-Fu thesis pdf(752)
2019 九年國民教育政策之研究- 以臺灣省國民中學教師素質問題為例 (1968-1973) 張家瑜、Chang, Chia-Yu thesis pdf(308)
2019 Recolonization, Geopolitics and Resistance: The Formation of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples in Postwar Era 顧恒湛、Ku, Heng-Chan thesis pdf(1895)
2019 Women in Christian Family——The Establishment and Impact of Girls’ School by The Presbyterian Church of England (1879-1922) 陳亭靜 thesis pdf(172)
2019 The Research of the Kuomintang’s propaganda work in the Early Post-war Period in Taiwan :Using the "China Daily" as an example(1945-1950) 張亞軒、Jhang, Ya-Syuan thesis pdf(374)