2002 |
Solvency Prediction of Property-Casualty Insurance Company - A New Neural Network Approach |
魏佑珊、Wei, Yu Shan |
thesis |
2002 |
台灣產險業特別準備金與盈餘關係之探討 |
沈美岑 |
thesis |
2002 |
A Research of Permanent Health Insurance |
于建國 |
thesis |
2002 |
Legal Issues of E-commerce in Insurance |
盧世寧 |
thesis |
2002 |
論金融整合原理與投資人保障法制 |
張漢斌 |
thesis |
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2002 |
壽險業信用評等模式之研究-美國壽險公司之實證分析 |
楊士昌 |
thesis |
2002 |
馬可夫鏈模型在終身健康保險費率釐定之應用 |
藍靜美 |
thesis |
2010 |
Corporate governance and performance analysis in financial crisis:taiwan banking and insurance company |
吳姿瑩、Wu, Tzu Ying |
thesis |
1995 |
保險費交付與返還法律問題之研究 |
莊永隆 |
thesis |
1999 |
外商壽險公司設立初期獲利經營因素之研究 |
許保恒 |
thesis |
1999 |
國民年金制度設計對臺灣地區國民所得分配的影響 |
蘇培雅 |
thesis |
1999 |
臺灣壽險業對於開放外商衝擊之研究 |
王恩玲 |
thesis |
1999 |
Value at Risk as an Insurance Solvency Regulation Tool-Comparisons with Risk-Based Capital |
廖詩芸、Liao, Shih Yun |
thesis |
1998 |
再保險監理之研究 |
楊佳益 |
thesis |
1998 |
從國內壽險公司對開放經紀代理業務之看法探討人身保險經紀人代理人未來趨勢之研究 |
楊旺時 |
thesis |
1997 |
我國汽車車體損失險與竊盜損失險費率從車因素之研究 |
江婉玲 |
thesis |
1997 |
保險代位妨礙之研究 |
高琮程 |
thesis |
1997 |
我國壽險業財務及業務資訊公開之研究 |
蔡宜樺 |
thesis |
1995 |
The Research about the Training and Performance of Life Insurance Sales |
張艷玲、Chang, Yann-Ling |
thesis |
1997 |
我國壽險業經營關鍵成功因素及其績效相關性之硏究 |
林敏華 |
thesis |
1997 |
壽險公司資產負債管理對公司價值影響之硏究 |
施淑芳 |
thesis |
1998 |
巨災保險選擇權評價模式之研究 |
劉卓皓 |
thesis |
1998 |
退休金資產配置硏究 : 美國企業退休金實證分析 |
侯志忠 |
thesis |
2016 |
A Study on legal Issue Relating to Personal Injury Insurance Contracts-Emphasis on the Definition of Injury by Accident, The Judgment of Causation, and The Allocation of Burden of Proof |
盧彥宥、Lo, Weng Loong |
thesis |
2016 |
A Study on the Exit of Troubled Life Insurers from the Market - Extended Study on the Transition Insurance Mechanism |
林沛瑩、Lin, Pei Ying |
thesis |
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