Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 33
Date Title Type Full Text
2022-06 內外兼俱,雙管齊下:探討內部人力資源發展活動與外部顧客經營活動對研發主管職能之影響 article web page(317)
2021-03 How demographic faultlines and impression management behaviors influence group affective tone article web page(197)
2017-07 The Joint Moderating Effects of Activated Negative Moods and Group Voice Climate on the Relationship between Power Distance Orientation and Employee Voice Behavior article web page(952)
2017-05 A multilevel investigation of antecedents of employee positive affective displays: the roles of customer negative affective displays and employee perceived supervisory support article web page(862)
2016-03 When will interviewers be willing to use high-structured job interviews? The role of personality article pdf(716)
2014-12 The compensatory effects of non-pecuniary attributes and the moderating effects of applicant dispositions on applicants’ acceptance of lower-pay jobs article pdf(782)
2013.07 Comparing employment interviews in Latin America with other countries. article pdf(1329)
2013-02 Customer negative events and employee service sabotage: The roles of employee hostility, personality and group affective tone article pdf(1259)
2012.07 Positive group affective tone and team creativity: Negative group affective tone and team trust as boundary conditions article pdf(1225)
2012 Incremental validity of person-organization fit over the big five personality measures article pdf(1193)
2011.06 How Do Happy Leaders Enhance Team Success? The Mediating Roles of Transformational Leadership, Group Affective Tone and Team Processes article pdf(1472)
2011-04 The Effects of Applicant Résumé Contents on Recruiters` Hiring Recommendations: The Mediating Roles of Recruiter Fit Perceptions article pdf(724)
2011.01 辯解有效嗎?談應徵者防禦型印象管理策略對面試官心理評價之影響 article pdf(882)
2010.03 Does Image Matter to Different Job Applicants? The Influences of Corporate Image and Applicant Individual Differences on Organizational Attractiveness article pdf(1280)
2010 Disentangling the Effects of Applicant Defensive Impression Management Tactics in Job Interviews article pdf(800)
2009 Employee Positive Moods as a Mediator Linking Transformational Leadership and Employee Work Outcomes article pdf(1350)
2009 Job definition discrepancy between supervisors and subordinates: The antecedent role of LMX and outcomes article pdf(1431)
2009 面試官行為、企業雇用形象對應徵者工作選擇意圖的影響:以國防役男甄試為例 article pdf(882)
2009 應徵者印象管理戰術與面試官評價:面試官作筆記行為的干擾效果 article pdf(865)
2008 Ranking Taiwanese management journals: A case study article pdf(1181)
2008 團隊情感氛圍形成的前因、情境調節及個人層次後果變項之研究 article pdf(1071)
2008 人力資源管理制度及其組合對組織人才吸引力之影響 article pdf(946)
2008 個人─工作適配量表發展:多元構面觀點 article pdf(1527)
2007-06 The linkage between profit sharing and organizational citizenship behavior article pdf(1265)
2007 Test of a model linking employee positive moods and task performance article web page(1282)