All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Theses、2000-2009)

Showing 551-575 of 675
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000 Theoretical Construction and Empirical Study of Self-regulated Learning of Two-year Junior College Students 陳品華 thesis 說明頁(305)
2000 A Theoretical Research of Curriculum Integration and The Analysis of The 1-9 Social Studies Curriculum Programs from The Perspective of Curriculum Integration 陳新轉、Chen, Shin-tsuang thesis 說明頁(226)
2000 教科書審查規準建構之研究-以九年一貫課程社會學習領域為例 賴光真 thesis 說明頁(213)
2000 Inservice training and professional development of the technical college teachers in Taiwan 李彥儀、Lee, Yeng-Yi thesis 說明頁(387)
2000 A study of the faculty qualification assessment in Taiwan 劉曉芬、Liu, Hsiao Fen thesis 說明頁(184)
2000 The Study of Strategies for Universities and Colleges Merger 梁金盛、Liang, Chin-Shen thesis 說明頁(263)
2000 Exploring the Indicators of National Development 張芳全 thesis 說明頁(259)
2000 學校本位教師分級制度可行評估之研究--以國民小學為例 楊慶麟 thesis 說明頁(195)
2000 知識結構的評量與改變之研究─以國小學生數學文字題為例 涂金堂 thesis 說明頁(240)
2000 國民小學校長的成就目標、終身學習經驗、轉型領導與其多元智慧學校經營理念之關係 林合懋 thesis 說明頁(245)
2000 The Study on Metaevaluation Indicators for Senior-High School Evaluation in Taiwan 林劭仁、Lin, Shaw-Ren thesis 說明頁(379)
2000 Research into the model of preparation for elementary schools’ principals 施宏彥 thesis 說明頁(211)
2001 臺灣省公立高中公辦民營理論分析暨可行策略之研究 林玉芬 thesis 說明頁(203)
2001 A Study on the Market Mechanism of Elementary Textbook in Taiwan 鄧鈞文 thesis 說明頁(209)
2001 中學生網際網路使用行為之研究 李逢堅 thesis 說明頁(296)
2001 Analysis for the Comprehensive High School in Tawian 莊耿惠、Chuang, Keng-Hui thesis 說明頁(197)
2001 Study of Teacher Certification and Employment System of Public Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan 林信志、Alex Lin, C. thesis 說明頁(278)
2001 我國幼托整合政策可行性之研究 郭勝峰、Kuo, Sheng-Feng thesis 說明頁(154)
2001 大專院校教職員性別組成之研究 陳俞攸 thesis 說明頁(157)
2001 自閉症兒童臉孔情緒處理之研究 蔡佳津 thesis 說明頁(232)
2001 台北縣社區大學成立經過之研究 郭殊妍 thesis 說明頁(232)
2001 台北地區國中生偶像崇拜行為及其相關因素之探討 郭致君、Kuo, Chih-Chun thesis 說明頁(336)
2001 Work-family conflict and its correlates among married elementary school and junior high school teachers in Taiwan 劉雅惠、Liu, Yia-Hwei thesis 說明頁(317)
2001 教育擴張與教育機會之關係 吳昭芳 thesis 說明頁(411)
2001 對不同關係對象的利他行為與利他動機-台灣與日本之比較─ 木村敦、Atsushi, Kimura thesis 說明頁(219)