All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 51-75 of 2032
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010 運用ECERS-R提升幼兒園品質之實證研究 傅馨儀 thesis pdf(3199)pdf(1149)
2011 A study of the early years foundation stage assessments in the UK and children’s school readiness 黃暐鈞 thesis pdf(5709)
2010 Program quality and children`s experienced curriculum in kindergartens 林琬玲 thesis pdf(4416)
2010 The school readiness of montessori early childhood education 莊佳樺、Chuang, Chia Hua thesis pdf(3063)
2010 A meta-evaluation study on the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung city 林例怡 thesis pdf(1157)
2010 大臺北區公立國民中學教師兼職行政人員之心理契約、情緒勞務與辭卸行政兼職傾向之相關性研究 莊登山、Chuang, Teng Shan thesis pdf(1701)
2010 A study on the relationships among principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness in junior high schools in Taipei City 周婉玲、Chou, Wanling thesis pdf(1386)
2010 Research on the influence of information use environment on administrators` data-driven decision-making in junior high schools in New Taipei City 林文婷、Lin, Wen Ting thesis pdf(1891)
2010 Research on the influence of information use environments on principals` data-driven decision-making in junior high schools: an application of structural equation modeling 何奇南、Ho, Chi Nan thesis pdf(2262)
2010 Research on the influence of information use environments on principals’data-driven decision-making in senior high schools 彭文彬、Peng, Wen Pin thesis pdf(1127)
2010 Research on the Influence of Information Use Environment on Administrators’ Data-driven Decision-making in Junior High Schools in Taipei City 林仕崇、Lin, Shih Tsung thesis pdf(1346)
2010 A study on the relationships among elementary school teachers’ knowledge management, organizational citizenship behaviors and effectiveness of school innovation management. 簡正一、Jian, Zheng Yi thesis
2010 Openness, Responsibility, and Dialogue— “Discussion” as a factor in the development of practical wisdom in the educational field 劉匡時、Leo, Kwang Shi thesis pdf(2119)pdf(1088)
2010 The analysis of the pull factors of Taiwan higher educational institutes of students from mainland China 陳治堯、Chen, Chih Yao thesis pdf(1659)
2011-12 大學生對教師的回饋:大學教師所不知道的一面 CHIH-YU CHAN、吳佳蓉 article pdf(2252)
2011 A study on the relationships among job stress, job involvement and organizational commitment of junior high school teachers in Kaohsiung City 方心怡 thesis web page(509)
2010 Friedrich Froebel 教育思想中遊戲觀之研究 莊敏伶、Chuang, Ming Ling thesis
2011 A study on the relationship among the principals’ leadership styles, teachers’ organizational trust, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high schoo 吳毅然 thesis
2011 The panel study of effects of family cultural capital and individual learning motivation on adolescent learning achievement 林碧芳、Lin, Pi Fang thesis pdf(4045)
2010 The Relationship of Junior High School Principals’ Empowering Leadership Behavior, Organizational Innovation Management, and School Effectiveness 黃哲彬、Che-Bin Huang thesis pdf(1853)
2011 Vietnamese elementary teacher education curriculum: based on the teacher professional competency perspective 蔡玉鳳、Sai, Ngoc Phung thesis pdf(2308)
2010 The panel study of the effects of parental involvement on adolescent academic growth trajectories in Taiwan: evidence from Taiwan education panel survey 李敦仁、Lee, Duen Ren thesis pdf(2308)
2011 The study of the influences of leader-member exchange on teacher turnover intention: teacher job satisfaction as a mediator 陳玫樺、Chen, Mei Hua thesis pdf(863)
2011 The Psychological Transformation of Creative Body Movement: A Case Study of Hsianghsiang TSUNG-CHIN LEETSUNG-CHIN LEE article pdf(1256)
2011 舞蹈治療發展史中對身體運作理路的回顧與反思 TSUNG-CHIN LEETSUNG-CHIN LEE article pdf(4313)