All Of Publications(Limit:2010-2019)

Showing 2601-2625 of 42462
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011 The study of the work pressure and the life adaptation of police supervisors : the example of New Taipei City police department 吳銜禎 thesis pdf(776)
2011 The research of the basic administration organizes volunteers participating in public service : a case study of household registration office Neihu District Taipei City 林雅慧 thesis web page(361)
2011 The impact of cross-strait trade policy on Taiwanese businesses investing in Mainland China 張宴薰、Chang, Yen Hsun thesis web page(373)
2011 A Study of Professional Identity and Job Satisfaction of Counselors 黃禎慧 thesis pdf(1905)
2011 Gender choices of the equity restoring strategies in underbenefited premarital romantic relationships 徐子晨、Hsu, Tzu Chen thesis pdf(1338)
2011 A study of the relationship between the teacher professional growth and school teacher evaluation for professional development of elementary school 彭慧婷、Peng, Hui Ting thesis pdf(514)
2011 The study of the relationship between principal’s space leadership and school organizational climate of elementary schools in Taipei City 曾雅慧 thesis pdf(730)
2011 The study of post occupancy evaluation for the vacant school space reuse in three elementary schools of New Taipei City 李佩茹、Lee, Pei Lu thesis pdf(1008)
2010 Russian political culture and Putin`s authoritarian rule 姜俊廷 thesis pdf(1771)
2011 The quiet politics of international cooperation: on the institutional imbalance of legal interests and malpractice for food safety and food aid 譚偉恩、Tan, Wei En thesis
2011 信評機構的發展與治理 魏浩威 thesis pdf(1489)
2011 The Study of Chinese communist political succession after 1990 - construct analysis for the politburo standing committee 王似華、Wang ,Szu Hua thesis pdf(8372)
2010 An analysis of Taiwanese people`s positions on Cross-strait relation 陳婉貞 thesis pdf(653)
2011 The Research of urban houses` demolistion in China: case study on Nail-houses 李奇峰、Li, Qi Feng thesis
2011 The new Cross-Strait governance model?-the planning and the development of pingtan integrated testing zone 莊孟寰、Chuang, Meng Huan thesis pdf(1621)
2011 中共「新安全觀」下的兩韓政策 古承軒 thesis web page(516)
2011 A study of Japan`s China foreign policy in the 21st century 趙申達 thesis
2011 Studies on the PRC’s“ Anti-Access and Area-Denial” Strategy 慎炳倫、Shen, Pin Luen thesis
2011 China`s environmental journalism: media`s role in the Anti-Nujiang campaign 盧郁涵、Lu, Yu Han thesis pdf(2472)
2011 Controversy over the Pinnacle Islands Revisited 谷呈陽、Erick Gutierrez Macias thesis pdf(2543)
2011 The Diplomatic Relations between the Holy See and the Republic of China from 1942 to 2012: History, Challenges, and Perspectives 鄭天龍、Védrenne, Landry thesis pdf(1495)
2011 The study of New Taipei City elementary school principal’s work pressure, recover ability, and melancholia behaviors 周佩姿 thesis pdf(689)
2011 Constructing indicators for the data-driven decision making of principals at public junior high schools: applying analytical network processing 游麗容 thesis pdf(1222)
2011 The study of work stress,resilience and depression of directors in New Taipei City junior high schools. 陳秋雅、Chen, Chiu Ya thesis pdf(624)
2011 A study on work-related stress, resilience, and the presentation of depressive symptoms of teachers with additional administrative duties who work at public senior high Schools in Taipei City 郭婷婷 thesis pdf(497)