
Showing 1426-1450 of 2702
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994 Financial Distress Prediction Stability Model :Industry- Relative Ratio Application CHUN-LIANG CHEN、CHUN-LIANG CHEN thesis
1994 A Study of Service Delivery System of Multi-level Marketing 陳立偉、Chen, Lee Wei thesis
1994 Organizational structure and control for international business 周鴻均、Chou, Hung Chun thesis
1994 The Core Resources and Internationalization Strategy in Hit Industry 王美雅、Wang, Mei Ya thesis
1994 The Study of Loaning Credit Assessment Model: The Case of Plastic Industry in R.O.C. 郝旭烈、Hao, Shie Lieh thesis
1994 The Research of Marketing Channel Power and Conflict in Taiwan Beverage industry 游東曉、Yu, Dong Shau thesis
1994 Study on the Service Delivery System of Chain Operation for service Industry 王文信、Wang, Wen Shinn thesis
1994 A study on the entrepreneurial behavior of Taiwan`s Small and Medium-sized firms - Case study method on a Taiwanese computer software firm 魏順得、Wei, Shun Dern thesis
1994 The Determinents of Internationalization-The Case of Taiwanese exporters. 曾浩岳、Tseng, Haw Yueh thesis
1994 A Study of Content of Service Delivery System Based on Key Success Factor Theory 何明城、Her, Ming Cherng thesis
1994 The study of service quality in long distance bus transportation 陳正恆、Chen, Gen Heng thesis
1994 The Impact of The New-initiating Stock Dividend 邱志鴻、Chiou, Jhy Horng thesis
1994 An Integrated Perspective of Network and Agency Theory on the Internal Control Mechanisms of MNE: The Management of Taiwaness Enterprises` Investment in Mainland China 李韶洋、Lee, Shao Yang thesis
1994 The Interorganizational Networks in Taiwan: From the Viewpoint of Transactional Cost Economy 簡岳佐、Chien, Yueh Tso thesis
1994 The Price Reaction of Global Depositary Receipts(GDR)--The Empi- rical Study of Taiwanese Listing Companies 蔡祖銘、Tsai, Tsu Ming thesis
1994 Expansion Strategies of Franchising──A comparison Study of Taiwanese and foreign franchisers 莊文華、HSING LUH thesis
1994 The Relationship between the Operational Performance and the Pri-vatization of State-owned Enterprise 黃允治、Hang, Un Tsi thesis
1994 Market responses to the SEC changes in the margin requirement 林漢維、Lin, Han Wei thesis
1994 The Relationship between the goods type and Privatization goals to the Choice of the Privatization Mechanism 簡曉瑩、Jen, Hsiao Ying thesis
1994 Database Marketing - Establishment and Application of Customer Database 劉穎壽、Andy Liu, Ying Show thesis
1993 Operational Management Characteristic and Major Problems in Management Consultant Industry 何正卿、Ho, Frank thesis
1993 The Influence of Industry Environment to The Choice of Coopera- tion Strategy : A Resource Dependence Perspective 陳在揚、Chen, Tzay-Yang thesis
1993 The Managerial Types of The Cooperative Benefits Between organi- zation 蔡博文、Tsai, Bo Wen thesis
1993 The comparstive study of strategic alliance of Computer      Workstations 劉欣光、Liu, Hsin Kuang thesis
1993 The relationship between underwriter behavior and IPO performance 江舒欣、Chiang, Shou Shin thesis