2017 |
A study on the construction of cooperative education performance evaluation indicators for vocational senior high schools in Taiwan |
王泓翔、Wang, Hung-Hsiang |
thesis |
pdf(645) |
2017 |
A study on relationship among the principal democratic instrcutional supervision belief, teacher academic optimism and teacher engagement of junior high schools in New Taipei City |
thesis |
pdf(84) |
2017 |
The study of null curriculum in institute of education: perspectives from graduate student in department of education in NCCU |
蔡晨雨、Cai, Chen Yu |
thesis |
pdf(124) |
2017 |
The relationship among principals’ transformational leadership, school organizational health and teachers’ well-being of junior high school |
蔡安繕、Tsai, An Shan |
thesis |
pdf(550) |
2017 |
A case study of employing O2O education on English teaching in the supplementary junior high school -using English online learning platform of the ministry of education an example |
康佳鈴、Kang, Jia-Ling |
thesis |
pdf(322) |
2017 |
A study of teacher` teaching effectiveness with the application of team-based learning: a case study of five schools |
余國偉 |
thesis |
pdf(82) |
2017 |
Exploring the relationships between online knowledge building inquiry activities and image of scientists: a case study |
楊家睿 |
thesis |
pdf(198) |
2016 |
Relationships between undergraduate student individual thinking styles and group interaction: a case study |
張景怡、Chang, Ching Yi |
thesis |
pdf(542) |
2017 |
Relationships among gender, family SES, parenting styles, and emotional/behavioral problems of children with special needs : a case of SNELD |
楊育瑄、Yang, Yu Xuan |
thesis |
pdf(370) |
2017 |
Body Image Formulation and Identities of High School Dance Class Girls in Taiwan |
廖翊廷、Liao, Yu Ting |
thesis |
pdf(743) |
2017 |
A Study of College Students Achievement Goal, Psychological Capital, Learning Engagement and Learning Outcomes |
楊潔、Yang, Jie |
thesis |
pdf(185) |
2017 |
Experimental research on the applying of learning community strategy used in second foreign language of Japanese teaching in senior high school |
詹亞臻、Chan, Ya-Chen |
thesis |
pdf(139) |
2017 |
A Study on Heathcote’s Paradigm of Mantle of the Expert and its Implication for the Educational Aesthetics |
鄭黛瓊、Cheng, Tai Chiung |
thesis |
pdf(984) |
2017 |
A systematic review of pedagogical design and implementation based on knowledge building principles |
余英孚、Yee, Eng Fu |
thesis |
pdf(205) |
2017 |
Self-Awareness and Practice of Life Education-Encounter between Taitung’s Bunun and the I-Kuan Tao faith as example |
温毓禎 |
thesis |
pdf(45) |
2017 |
Using Theory of Planned Behavior to analyze parents` rationales for choosing bilingual schools |
鄭夙涵、Cheng, Su-Han |
thesis |
pdf(403) |
1983 |
我國現行師專課程之研究 |
趙鎮洲 |
thesis |
web page(322) |
1983 |
課程目標之研究 : 並兼評述我國現行國小社會科目標 |
蔣素靜 |
thesis |
web page(286) |
1983 |
考生字跡.考生作文程度與評分者有關特質對考生論文式測驗成績的影響 |
李靜如 |
thesis |
web page(356) |
1983 |
我國中央教育經費的預算與分配問題之研究 |
鍾娟兒 |
thesis |
web page(382) |
1983 |
我國公共教育經費支出所得重分配效果之研究 |
陳麗珠 |
thesis |
web page(394) |
1983 |
國小兒童年齡.認知發展及語言能力相關之研究 |
林淑慧 |
thesis |
web page(481) |
1983 |
國中資賦優異學生智力.認知發展.創造力與學業成就之相關研究 |
林珊如 |
thesis |
web page(419) |
1983 |
台北市六十九學年度國民中學評鑑工作之分析研究 |
林錦雲 |
thesis |
web page(319) |
1983 |
性別.年級.數學學習態度.性別角色與數學成就之關係 |
李默英 |
thesis |
web page(423) |