
Showing 526-550 of 1546
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 A preliminary empirical study of the restricted stock awards in Taiwan 黃立坪 thesis pdf(979)
2015 A Study of the Legal Issues of Corporate Officers in Taiwan 陳展誌、Chen, Chan Chih thesis web page(360)
2015 A Study on Deterring the reconviction of the drunk driving of Alcohol Use Disorder- Focusing on the Reintegration 張蕙、Chang, Hui thesis pdf(6046)
2015 The Theory and Practice of Reformatory Education for Juvenile 潘曉萱、Pan, Hsiao Hsuan thesis pdf(2808)
2015 A Study on the Reverse Onuses in Criminal Law - Focusing on the Special Breach of Trust and Insider Trading 王妙華、Wang, René thesis pdf(821)
2015 The Flow of Fund between Mainland China and Taiwan under the Background of Internationalization of RMB 徐航、Xu, Hang thesis pdf(216)
2015 A Study on the Contribution of Guarantor and Bonding Insurer 秦嘉瑋、Chin, Jia Wei thesis pdf(590)
2015 A study on the development of borrowing other`s name for registration -- Focusing on the interaction of the substantive law and procedure law 黃德聖、Huang, Te Sheng thesis pdf(3578)
2015 A Study of Legal Issues of Variable Interest Entity Structure under Agreement Control in Mainland China 蔡治 thesis pdf(148)
2015 Research on Procuratorial Supervision System in China---monitoring power in the Republic of China as the comparative target 楊奇 thesis pdf(698)
2015 Restrictions on the Freedom of Transferring Shares: from the Perspective of Autonomy of Private Law 周禹境、Chou, Yu Ching thesis pdf(2592)
2015 A Study on the Electronic Voting and Admissibility of the Extemporary Motions and Motion Amendments 張鵬元、Chang, Peng Yuan thesis pdf(927)
2015 A Study on Restricted Stock 黃莎蘅 thesis pdf(1026)
2014 A Study on the Constitutional Protection and Restriction of Public Employee Speech 賴雪梅、Lai, Hsueh Mei thesis pdf(1789)
2015 Examine the Deferred Prosecution from the Aspect of Specific Deterrence 李元棻、Lee, Yuan Fen thesis pdf(367)
2015 The Future Development of Taiwan`s Marine Protected Area Regulations - from the Inclusive Perspectives of the Conservation of Marine Nature and the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 王奕晟、Wang, Yi Cheng thesis pdf(1510)
2015 Deviation of Civilization – A Study on Theory of Civilization by Fukuzawa Yukichi 張鎧麟、Chang, Kai Lin thesis pdf(775)
2015 Insider Trading in The Toehold Position of Merger and Acquisition 林伊柔、Lin, I Jou thesis pdf(181)
2015 性/自主–重新思考妨害性自主罪的保護法益 趙若傑、Chao, Juo Chieh thesis pdf(1576)
2015 The Study of Disputes about the Real Estate Contract 蔡佳蒨 thesis pdf(222)
2015 Victim Impact Statement in Capital Cases ─Take American Law as Reference 楊媖淑、Yang, Ying Shu thesis pdf(198)
2012 A Study on Supervision of Financial Conglomerates – Focusing on Capital Adequacy and Regulation 張少威、Chang, Shao Wei thesis web page(517)
2014 The Standard Of Proof 賴映淳、Lai, Ying Chun thesis web page(487)
2015 The Determination of Copyright Infringement:Making Sense of the Total Concept and Feel Test 劉芊影、Liu, Chien Ying thesis pdf(845)
2007 Changes and mistakes of laws or regulations filling in content for blank elements of crime 余怡寬、Yu, Yi Kuan thesis web page(432)