All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 726-750 of 2025
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 共生的智慧與即興美學—以「生態社區」經驗為參照的地球公民教育願景 TSAO-LIN FONG report web page(945)
2013 舞蹈治療對自閉症兒童的動勢心理介入研究 TSUNG-CHIN LEECHUNG-HSIN CHIANG report web page(976)
2014 A Study on Relationship among the Principal Space Leadership, Innovative School Management and School Effectiveness in Taiwan’s Elementary Schools 黃國庭、Huang, Kao Ting thesis pdf(60)
2015 Exploring the Internationalization of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Taiwan 簡瑋成、Chien, Wei Cheng thesis pdf(374)
2015 Higher Education Disciplines Returns to Education in Taiwan 王書敏 thesis pdf(78)
2015 A Meta Analysis of Self-Regulation Learning in Taiwan 翁雅芸、Weng, Ya Yun thesis web page(369)
2015 Pedagogy of “No-thing”: A Human Picture of Spiritual Education from the view of Fantasy Narration 梁可憲、Liang, Ke Hsien thesis pdf(1325)
2015 Taipei City Preschool Teacher`s Self-report of Voice Status and Teaching Behavior 宋筱葳 thesis pdf(180)
2015 A study of the effectiveness of the Education Opportunity and Quality Enhancement for Disadvantaged Students Program in New Taipei City’s junior high schools 佘承宗 thesis pdf(623)
2015 The study of the relationship among principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing, and teachers’ organizational commitment in Private School of Macau 葉詠康、Ip, Weng Hong thesis pdf(868)
2015 A Study of the Relationships among Principal’ s Distributed Leadership, Teacher’ s Job Stress and the Effectiveness of School Innovation Management in Elementary Schools in New Taipei City 黃國政 thesis
2015 The Study of the Relationships between Teacher Academic Optimism and School Organization Climate in Junior High Schools in New Taipei City 陳毓娟、Chen, Yu Chuan thesis pdf(872)
2015 Principal’s Distributed Leadership,School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness Research In Yilan Junior High Schools 沈志杰 thesis
2015 A Study on Relationship among Principal’s Positive Leadership, Work Stress and Sense of Well-being of Administrative Teachers in Yilan County Junior High Schools 林政儒、Lin, Cheng Ru thesis
2015 The construction of collaborating between junior high school guidance and school-based psychologists 侯瑀彤、Hou, Yu Tung thesis pdf(275)pdf(86)
2015 From illusion to real: the self-narrative process of marching forward to inner child 陳雪如、Chen, Hsueh Ju thesis
2015 The Relation among Married Couple`s Matches of Attachment Styles , Similarity in Leisure Interest and Marital Satisfaction 林奕丞 thesis pdf(4571)
2014 想法中心設計之教學理論在電腦支援合作學習環境中之研究與發展 HUANG-YAO HONG report web page(910)
2014 The Home-school Life of Trustful Coupling Relationship among Parents, Teachers, and Students: a Case Study on an Alternative Elementary School in Taiwan 詹家惠、Jan, Chia Hui thesis pdf(1091)
2015 interpretation、criticism、narrative: The implication of three types of dialogue theory for learning community 戴康祐 thesis web page(362)
2015 The Experimental Study of Mandala Method Curriculum and Creative Thinking Teaching in Elementary School Students 林恩如、Lin, En Ju thesis web page(377)
2015 Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and reading motivation 黃姿瑋 thesis pdf(468)
2015 A preschool worker professional autonomy of self-search 朱萬方 thesis pdf(249)
2012 臺灣地區基礎教育階段的公民教育 CHUING CHOU article pdf(817)
2013 韓國閱讀教育現況及其閱讀策略應用效果之探討:以PISA2009為例 CHUING CHOU、莊清寶 article pdf(651)