All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、Theses)

Showing 201-225 of 1317
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997 Cognitive processing in bilingual: the asymmetry of links between concept and lexicon 劉効樺、Liu, Shiau-Hua thesis web page(237)
1998 以360度回饋探討主管人員自他評一致性與領導效能關係之實證研究 劉岡憬 thesis web page(275)
1990 心理學質的研究的探討 洪錫井、Hong, Xi-Jing thesis web page(338)
1990 國小學童解決親子衝突的研究 徐萍、XU,PING thesis web page(314)
2002 以互動性距離理論探討同步遠距教學之學習成效 鍾杰男、Chung, Chieh-Nan thesis web page(268)
2002 從選擇歷程邏輯性與「雙思考系統理論」的角度探究 陳宏道、Chen, Hung-Dao thesis web page(266)
2004 自殺企圖者的素質探討--以TPQ為例 蔡靜怡 thesis web page(130)
2004 領導者對內、外團體部屬的認知分化、情感分化及行為分化之間的關係 顏志龍 thesis web page(310)
2001 影響小學教師辨識與通報兒童身體虐待之相關因素探討 蔡藝華 thesis web page(234)
2001 Further studies on the usefulness of single and double discrimination procedures in inducing human vegative contingency learning 廖英廷 thesis web page(217)
2002 Antecedents and comsequences of emotional labor of the front-line service employees: based on the examples of the bank clerks 鄔佩君 thesis web page(183)
2002 Computer attitude and computer anxiety: relationships with computer experience, computer self-efficacy, and others` support 黃郁雯 thesis web page(253)
2002 The effects of resources loss and coping behavior on psychological / physical symptoms after the 921 earthquake 謝孟晃 thesis web page(186)
2002 A study of the types of adolescents` parent-child triangulation and their interpersonal behaviors 郭孟瑜、Kuo, Meng-Yu thesis web page(293)
2002 意義追尋與因應對情侶分手後情緒適應之影響--以大學生為例 黃君瑜 thesis web page(305)
2007 Rethinking of customer-based on-line brand equity CHIA-LIN LEE、CHIA-LIN LEE thesis pdf(1174)pdf(1204)pdf(1743)pdf(1406)pdf(1307)pdf(5678)pdf(2216)pdf(2038)pdf(1712)pdf(1943)pdf(3978)
2007 The Relationship between Childhood Emotional Invalidation, Emotional Nonacceptance, and Adolescents’ Deliberate Self-harm Behaviors 曾愛迪、Tseng, Ai Ti thesis pdf(1012)pdf(811)pdf(926)pdf(962)pdf(1571)pdf(2185)pdf(2119)pdf(1227)pdf(1058)pdf(1074)pdf(1165)pdf(1156)
2008 Behavioral and event-related potential studies of emotional effect on recognition memory 劉子菱、Liu, Tzu Ling thesis pdf(889)pdf(929)pdf(1067)pdf(852)pdf(1057)pdf(993)pdf(911)pdf(852)pdf(981)pdf(816)
2008 企業因應中國勞動合同法之變革策略及其對心理契約、組織承諾、核心競爭力、與組織績效之影響 徐維秉、Hsu, Wei Ping thesis pdf(989)pdf(945)pdf(1006)pdf(982)pdf(1284)pdf(2338)pdf(1327)pdf(894)pdf(1029)pdf(1448)pdf(1009)
2008 Neural mechanisms of the operant conditioned behavior based on temporal contingency: by c-Fos immunohistochemistry 鍾居翰、Chung, Chu Hang thesis pdf(828)pdf(944)pdf(882)pdf(2134)pdf(1574)pdf(1101)pdf(1516)pdf(1045)pdf(1037)pdf(947)pdf(1100)
2008 高社交焦慮者對於情緒性刺激的注意力偏誤--驗證「認知內容特定性假設」 陳姱蓁 thesis pdf(1118)pdf(1051)pdf(1113)pdf(1478)pdf(1355)pdf(2305)pdf(4169)pdf(1768)pdf(1084)pdf(1427)pdf(1283)
2008 從正負向情緒解釋框架效應:對情緒管理理論與情緒壓抑效果的驗證 王悄竹 thesis pdf(1005)pdf(920)pdf(1314)pdf(1635)pdf(1161)pdf(1185)pdf(1223)pdf(1174)pdf(1509)pdf(756)pdf(904)
2008 從學習型組織、文化與領導,探討個人學習與組織訓練對績效、競爭力之影響 莊敦閔 thesis pdf(897)pdf(875)pdf(1089)pdf(1061)pdf(1622)pdf(924)pdf(922)pdf(1108)pdf(1277)
2007 Compensatory Effects of Job Attributes on Applicants` Low-pay Job Choices and Acceptance Intentions: Examining the Moderating Effects of Applicants` Individual Differences 康嘉玲、Kang, Chia Lin thesis pdf(842)pdf(886)pdf(932)pdf(811)pdf(1156)pdf(1435)pdf(1371)pdf(1575)pdf(1313)pdf(1325)pdf(1003)
2008 The Effects of the Fast and Slow Tempo Music on Sleep Inertia, Mood and Arousal after a Short Daytime Nap 周重佑、Chou, Chung Yu thesis pdf(1528)pdf(1487)pdf(1998)pdf(1345)pdf(1803)pdf(2382)pdf(4821)pdf(1500)pdf(1629)pdf(1519)pdf(1459)