All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Theses、1990-1999)

Showing 76-100 of 299
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1999 羅逖(Richard Rorty)教育思想之研究 王長治 thesis web page(229)
1999 臺北市實施國小英語教學之研究 陳俊佑 thesis web page(167)
1999 批判思考教學策略運用在國小五年級社會科之實驗研究 陳荻卿 thesis web page(191)
1998 數學低成就國中生在代數概念學習之評量研究 林曉芳 thesis web page(295)
1998 台灣地區各年齡層中小學男女教師的婚姻配對 許崇憲 thesis web page(280)
1998 國民中小學學校組織氣候、組織溝通與組織效能之間關係研究 以越南北部紅河平原地區為例 杜氏秋香、Do, Mary thesis web page(346)
1998 席勒美育思想之研究 彭鈺君 thesis web page(207)
1998 The Possibility of Private Management of Public Schools System in Junior High Schools and Elementary Schools 曹俊德 thesis web page(453)
1998 國中女性教師性別角色之構成--十位女老師之實踐經驗研究 邱秀祝、Chiou, Hsiu-Chu thesis web page(320)
1998 親子溝通品質與青少年生活適應、偏差行為之相關研究 林玉慈 thesis web page(200)
1998 國中生情緒障礙教育實施現況之調查研究 吳怡慧 thesis web page(267)
1998 國民教育經費分配之研究-以北高兩市為例 陳文燕 thesis web page(218)
1998 The study of the investigation of the teachers` opinions about in Junior High School 黃馨葆、Huang, Janet thesis web page(336)
1998 女性家長參與學校事務經驗之研究:以台北市為例 張彥婷、Chang, Yen-ting thesis web page(278)
1998 台北市國小學生適性賞罰策略之研究 吳美蘭 thesis web page(396)
1998 國民中學導師尋求輔導室支援及其相關因素之探討 郭書毓 thesis web page(251)
1997 The study on loss coping process of adults when they were adolescent following parental death 黃淑清、Huang, Shu-Ching thesis web page(237)
1997 A study on the relationship among teachers` individual modernity, traditionality and teaching burnout in junior middle school in Taipei 曾大千、Tseng, Dah-Chian thesis web page(216)
1997 Communication apprehension and electronic technique in brainstorming groups 陳玉樺、Chen, Yu-Hua thesis web page(254)
1996 the fund-raising activities in Taiwan universities 董馨梅、Tung, Hsin-Mei thesis web page(368)
1997 The relationships and related factors of grandparent-grandchild in grandparent-grandchild families JUNE-HAO KUO、Kuo, Chiun-Hao thesis web page(246)
1997 A comparative research of Taiwan & Korea of middle school curriculum in moral education 李性淑、Lee, Seong-Suk thesis web page(270)
1997 The deviantive behavior students` family structure, sex and attachment affect their personal relationship and value with the popular students. 吳幸怡、Wu, Shing-Yi thesis web page(189)
1997 The study of the relationship between TQM and classroom management effectiveness of elementary teachers 陳師榕、Chen, Shih-Jung thesis web page(174)
1997 The study of the relationship among the principal`s leadership style, the teachers` work value and organizational commitment in elementary schools 彭雅珍、Peng, Ya-Jane thesis web page(250)