
Showing 751-775 of 1390
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1993 How co-education and sing-education in senior high scuool influence students to choose their ieader role 唐慧文、Wern, Tarng Hueih thesis web page(357)
1994 A Study on the Relationship Between Public Relations and Organizational Effectiveness in Elementary School 林泊佑、Lin, Pe Yu thesis web page(259)
1994 A Study on the Relationship Among Leadership Behavior、 Social Support and Organizational Commitment in Culture Center 張新堂、Cheng, Shin Tarng thesis web page(182)
1994 縣市教育局組織文化與成員工作滿足感關係之研究 潘扶德 thesis web page(271)
1991 國民小學教師自我效能及其相關因素之研究 孫志麟 thesis web page(310)
1993 A study on the role of guidance counselor in junior middle school 葉祥溪、Yeh, Shyang-Shi thesis web page(285)
1993 Project Head Start-how it influences future school performance? 蘇立瑋、Wei, Su Li thesis web page(192)
1993 A study on the relationships between school climate 、teachers internal-external control and organizational commitment in elementary school 蔡寬信、shin, Tsay Kuan thesis web page(215)
1993 Effects of text structure and topic knowlrdge on children`s expository writing 洪金英、Hong, Jin-Ying thesis web page(228)
1993 The Research of the Aesthetic Education and Related Factors in the Elementry Schools` Teachers MU-JIN CHENMU-JIN CHEN thesis web page(350)
1993 A Study of Interpersonal strategies in High School Students-- To Illustrate How They establish Upward Relation With Their Teachers 陳秀碧、Chen, Hsiu-Pi thesis web page(330)
1993 Women Education、employment、fertility and divorce rate in 曾長麗、Tseng, Tsang-Li thesis web page(326)
1993 Rate of return to educaion 劉姿君、Chun, Liu Tzu thesis web page(382)
1993 A study of the field independence 、the locus of control and life adaptation among the junior middle school from mountain and plain 蔡俊傑、Jye, Tsay Jiun thesis web page(293)
1993 A study on the reform of the teachers certification system in elementary 葉連祺、Chyi, Yeh Lian thesis web page(348)
1993 A study on the relationships beween organization structure 、 teacher social support and burnout in junior middle school 吳宗立、Wu, Tzong-Lih thesis web page(236)
1993 Stress of Accessing to Senior High, Coping Behavior, Health and Classroom Climate for Students Joining \" No-Exam Trial Program\" ---A Case Study of Taipei City--- 黃淑馨、Hsin, Huang Shu thesis web page(301)
1993 A analysis of the textbook allocation quality in elementary and secondary school 吳正牧、Mu, Wu Jeng thesis web page(325)
1993 臺灣省立高級中等學校校長甄選制度之研究 張清良、ZHANG, QING-LIANG thesis web page(250)
1993 臺北市高級工職學生對甲、乙類新課程滿意度調查分析 林本聯、LIN, BEN-LIAN thesis web page(221)
1993 影響大學生尋求專業心理輔導意願之因素探討 董華欣、DONG, HUA-XIN thesis web page(295)web page(342)
1993 通過分數之標準設定的研究 鄭明長、ZHENG, MING-CHANG thesis web page(318)
1993 採用人物題材群課程與教學對國小四年級兒童繪畫能力之影響 郭榮瑞、GUO, RONG-RUI thesis web page(283)
1993 寫作之觀念產出歷程研究 羅素貞、LUO, RONG-RUI thesis web page(351)
1993 桃園縣國中學生團體活動參與情形之研究 陳新轉、CHEN, XIN-ZHUAN thesis web page(313)