2011 |
論適性犯 |
羅婉婷、Lo, Wan Ting |
thesis |
pdf(8084) |
2011 |
緊急型強制處分之有效控制-以遲延危險為中心 |
任君逸 |
thesis |
pdf(1594) |
2011 |
Guiding principle of expert testimony in civil procedure of ROC - including appropriateness of expert testimony given by agency or organization |
楊理安、Yang, Li An |
thesis |
pdf(1593)pdf(847) |
2011 |
The social state principle, state duty to protect and the disadvantaged- administrative issues of benefit payments for the spindle |
林莅薰、Lin, Lih Shiun |
thesis |
pdf(2324) |
2011 |
電話監聽中偶然發現之證據使用禁止 —以德國刑事訴訟法為中心 |
郭靜儒 |
thesis |
pdf(3739) |
2011 |
Law in Movement: Legal mobilization in CTSP (3rd Stage) Dispute |
江可捷、Chiang, Ko Chieh |
thesis |
pdf(1553) |
2011 |
The study of second-hand house—Focusing on the agency |
張瑞德、Chang,Jui Te |
thesis |
web page(629) |
2011 |
On the Analogy Principle in Criminal Procedure |
阮愷蓉 |
thesis |
pdf(796)pdf(2737) |
2010 |
The protection of rights of undocumented immigrants |
葉南君 |
thesis |
pdf(2368) |
2011 |
附隨義務於實務上之最新發展-以最高法院96年至100年相關判決為中心 |
郭思妤 |
thesis |
pdf(3034) |
2011 |
再構道路交通事故慰撫金量定模式-兼評民國百年臺灣高雄地方法院相關判決 |
李其融 |
thesis |
web page(721) |
2011 |
Let`s cloud computing!?: Legally protected good and Legislation of Computer crime |
王文成、Wang, Wen Cheng |
thesis |
pdf(3393) |
2011 |
Sport disputes resolution |
黃家澄 |
thesis |
web page(417) |
2011 |
The controversy over the collection of personal data in criminal investigation |
黃鈺雯 |
thesis |
pdf(2035) |
2011 |
Trademark Infringement Liability of Online Auction provider |
彭建仁 |
thesis |
pdf(1344) |
2011 |
A study on law and jurisdiction clauses of Bill of Lading |
黃正欣 |
thesis |
pdf(1787) |
2011 |
無 |
陳彥榮 |
thesis |
web page(345) |
2011 |
A study of employers` duty to co-operate in construction contracts |
蘇珈漪 |
thesis |
pdf(1823) |
2011 |
The legal interest of criminalizing insider trading |
朱振飛、Chu, Chen Fei |
thesis |
web page(473) |
2010 |
司法審查對法規命令訂定程序之影響 |
黃馥瑤 |
thesis |
pdf(1604) |
2010 |
The comparison of parental leave allowance in Taiwan and Germany |
張瀞心 |
thesis |
pdf(1733) |
2011 |
承攬契約之物之瑕疵擔保責任-以工程契約相關問題之探討為核心 |
姚怡菁 |
thesis |
pdf(811) |
2011 |
債權相對性的規範、法理與實踐-以民初大理院裁判為中心 |
陳琦妍、Chen, Ci Yan |
thesis |
pdf(1150) |
2011 |
Research on copyright issues of internet video websites |
張倍齊 |
thesis |
web page(723) |
2011 |
人民參與司法審判-沿革、類型與合憲性 |
吳文華 |
thesis |
pdf(2492) |